Sunday, September 15, 2024

Lesser Known Signs You Need Mold Testing

Do you believe there’s a chance mold may be in your home? Does it feel like you could have mold but you can’t see any? There are plenty of signs you could have mold but not necessarily realize it. Below are just some of the signs that you could benefit from our mold testing near Malibu and serving the surrounding area.

You don’t need several of these signs to benefit from mold testing. Indeed, you could just need one or two. Just a little bit of mold can become not just a little bit of mold very quickly. It’s better to know the truth earlier. If you think there’s a chance you could have mold, reach out.

Have Your Allergies Been Acting Up?
It’s very easy to misinterpret the symptoms of mold-induced allergies as seasonal allergies. Although they share similarities, there are ways to tell them apart.

Do your allergies seem to flare-up more inside your home rather than when you set foot outdoors? Some common signs of mold exposure can include a stuffy or runny nose, dry skin, coughing, sneezing, a sore throat, and red, watery, and itchy eyes. More intense reactions, such as migraines, dizziness, and chest colds, can occur.

In addition to allergies, asthma could be a sign of mold, too. Mold can also intensify breathing issues, particularly asthmatic conditions. Research indicates that asthmatic patients allergic to mold experience reduced lung function and, in some cases, even serious complications.

You may be surprised to learn that mold doesn’t solely cause respiratory issues. Those who are sensitive or allergic to mold can often experience skin irritations, like hives, upon exposure to mold spores. Often, these rashes mirror those of other allergic reactions, making them tricky to pinpoint. However, if you suspect mold is the culprit, don’t hesitate to schedule a mold inspection. Avoid scratching too much as it can lead to skin tears and subsequent infections.

Should you or yours have these symptoms over a period of time, it’s worth it to test your property.

Are You and Others in Your Home Constantly Fatigued?
If you find yourself constantly worn out, your exhaustion could be a direct result of household mold. It can cause your immune system to shift to overdrive, rapidly draining your energy resources, leaving you perpetually tired irrespective of the amount of sleep you get or the nutrients you consume.

If you’re constantly fatigued with no real reason behind it, it’s time to consider a professional mold inspection. Our experts can conduct a thorough examination of your property for toxic mold and provide an accurate report, so that you’ll know the truth once and for all.

Signs of Mold in Your Home (Even if You Can’t See the Mold)
Bathrooms, with their humidity and dampness, can easily fall prey to mold. Porous materials, like tile grouts, are prime spots for mold growth. It’s not always easy to keep them from moisture, but it’s worth it to be as diligent as possible in this regard.

Over time, the wallpaper in your home will naturally show signs of wear and tear. However, peeling or bubbling may indicate the presence of moisture within the walls.

An abundance of condensation on your windows indicates excessive indoor humidity, a leading trigger for mold growth. If you see condensation there often, it may be time to take action. You can use a dehumidifier or leave doors open to help regulate moisture levels.

Watch out for any suspicious patches on your furniture or upholstery. Mold is easily attracted to damp surfaces, including leather and wood, and can infest your favorite pieces before you realize it. Deal with dampness as quickly as you can.

There are signs beyond visible ones of mold, too. Does your carpet smell odd, or do you see circular patterns of brown, green, or black stains? These are signs that your carpet may be hosting mold.

Mold comes with its unique musky scent, which intensifies as the infestation grows. A heightened or unusual smell in your house, especially after rainfall or with closed windows and doors, can be a telltale sign of mold presence.

Areas with carpets are particularly susceptible to mold growth, which can easily spread to other parts of your home. If these signs are evident, a mold inspector should be your next phone call.

Mold Testing Near Malibu and the Surrounding Area and More
No one wants to think about mold. The idea that mold could be inside your property without you knowing it is disconcerting to say the least. That’s where we can come in, however. We can let you know, through our testing, whether or not you have mold. If you do, we can also let you know exactly how our pros will remedy the situation.

To see how we can help, reach out to us through our site or call.

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