Has your insurance company recently called you in regards to updating your policy and you aren’t sure what to say to them? Have you tried to think about exactly how much insurance (as well as what insurance) to have on your home but don’t know what the best answer for your needs is? These are common concerns that folks all over have to deal with. The truth is that, here in Southern California, you really can’t know with 100% certainty what’s going to happen. That said, you can’t spend all your money on insurance, either. In brief, there are some tips that our cleaning and restoration pros recommend you keep in mind.
Update Your Policy, Know Your Policy
Once a year, your insurance broker or agent will reach out to you to update your policy. That’s true no matter who your company is. Many folks ignore the call. However, you want to answer it, get in touch, and make sure that your policy is up to date. This is perhaps the best, easiest way to make sure that you have enough coverage. A good goal to keep in mind: making sure that the current value of your home as well as the replacement cost match up.
Be Truly Prepared for a Disaster
For most folks, “being prepared for a disaster” only consists of taking certain actions for their person. Having cash on hand, clean shoes, non-perishable food, that kind of thing. When it comes to your insurance, you want to make sure that your policy covers enough that you’ll be able to live elsewhere while your home is being restored/repaired/etc. Too often, folks go for the cheapest possible policy. Then, when something goes awry, they have to go clear across town, live somewhere far from work/school, and it causes real disruption in their lives.
One Often Overlooked Way to Be Prepared
A great way to be prepared for the worst: keep your records up to date of all items that have been purchased or upgraded. If you upgrade the floors, the ceilings, or anything like that, keep a record of it. That way, should disaster strike, you can show the insurance company that you did have this, that it was ruined in the disaster, etc. Then, you stand the best chance of it getting replaced.
Cleaning and Restoration Advice Should Disaster Strike
Hopefully, you don’t have to use any of this advice. In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, we recommend you don’t want too long to call the insurance company. We do always recommend that you call us as quickly as possible. The sooner we can arrive at your home or other kinds of building, the sooner we can get right to work restoring it. Indeed, we can also help you to know what to say to the insurance company as well as when to say it. Our professionals are on hand, 24/7/365 at (855) 961-2660.

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